Oh the weather outside is….

Conveniently enough, Tuesday’s Topic is the weather! Temperatures fell to about 20 freezing degrees last night. There was frost everywhere when we woke up and the bird bath was frozen solid. (Keeping in mind that we’re in Central California!) And even though we have the small turtle pool covered with a solid plastic cover, there was still a layer of ice on top about 1/3 of an inch thick sealing the top of the water! The turtles were fine, hunkered down under the ice, and not moving much, all pulled into their shells. (Wouldn’t you be?) Funny thing is though, we broke the covering ice twice in the morning and then once again and I had to really shatter it and fish out all the ice chunks so it wouldn’t freeze again! This is probably the reason we wear turtle necks when it gets cold? (sorry)

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2 Responses to Oh the weather outside is….

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Kristen, it’s rather chilly over here in London too! We have a freezing fogbank hovering over us at the moment, and frost at night. It’s a good time to be indoors with a nice hot drink!

  2. Kristen says:

    Oooh – freezing fog can sometimes feel worse than an actual blizzard! Cold cold cold!! I’m all for that hot drink… got any spiced cider? 🙂

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