Ever seen a red earred slider turtle with a technicolor shell? I’m pretty sure this is one of those rare non-conformist turtles that won’t let itself become stacked with other turtles at all. *grin* Anyway, this is a watercolor done on 5″x7″ 140 lb. hot press watercolor paper. I squared off the image by digitally copying sections of the turtle’s shell and using them on the top and bottom. I like how the turtle sort of looks like it’s in an aquarium and sort of doesn’t at the same time – maybe the turtle is happy about that too. Oh, and I’d like to thank my models, Penelope and Myrtle, who are right now sunning themselves on the rocks by their pond in the yard.
This design (without the watermark, of course) is available on lots of cool stuff in my shop and unframed prints are coming soon too.
[Tags: turtle, red earred slider, watercolor, tshirt, painting]