A few days ago when I was watering the front garden, I saw a few flowers! We had spread a bunch of wildflower seeds many many weeks ago and had just been seeing small, strange green plants popping up everywhere, and had been hoping that they weren’t just local weeds – LOL. And then all of a sudden, there they were, a number of small, periwinkle blue flowers and some teensy pale lavender ones as well. Hey – this “growing” thing really DOES work! *grin*

We also have a garden where we planted marigold seeds and two indoor pots with one marigold plant each. It’s interesting to see how differently they develop. The ones outside are thicker with leaves, while the inside ones have gotten really tall, and we have to keep rotating the pots so they don’t continually lean towards the window. I think we needed to plant the indoors ones a little deeper in the soil too, but that’s just a guess right now. I shall continue my observations and will let you know which ones bloom first. (We planted the inside ones about five days before the outside ones. The outside ones took longer to come up (not just five days later) but seem hardier?)

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