It’s kinda funny how when you set out an intention to create something (using reality creation) you say, for instance, “I want to create this specific color of paint in order to finish this painting I’m working on.” And then when you go to the store, that paint is sitting right there – sometimes even on sale. Or sometimes it even shows up as a gift or hand-off from a friend – something like that – a little more unexpected. But what’s interesting is that we have been trained VERY well to think that if we WANT that paint in the store, we must have a job, to have money to BUY that paint.

And the road back to trusting intention and impulses/intuition, like you did with the paint, to guide you to the money as well, is a tough one. But sometimes you just gotta admit to yourself, “Yes, I do believe I will need money in order to do such and such.” and you gotta stop trying to work AROUND it. We’re used to looking through the structure of money creation into the smaller arena of creating ‘other’ things. Because the ability to create money through intention and intuition changes the entire playing field. It changes all the dramas we’ve set up (well, most of them.) It changes the core beliefs we’ve set up around who we think we are. It changes all SORTS of stuff. It changes our understanding of our own sense of POWER.

Think about it. Let’s say you’re really good at, for instance, running into a person that you need to talk to, just when you need to talk to them – either at work or outside of the work environment – doesn’t matter. That’s an unconscious but fluidly functioning use of intention and then following your intuitions/impulses. Now, let’s say you can do that when you need MONEY that you don’t currently have in order to finish a project and your impulses just tell you to go sit in a park. That’s where the control issues come up, eh? We’ve been taught to think that there are only a few specific ways that money comes in, but the universe has no such restrictions, so why should WE believe in them? I mean – it’s like the idea of “acting professional” – SOMEONE first decided what that meant, and everyone else just accepts it in due course. But its not an absolute at all, and maybe, just maybe, if you asked yourself, YOU would run a business QUITE differently, eh? … Just some deep thoughts this Sunday morning – LOL.

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