I’m beginning to think these kinds of stories are either about dimensional shifts or time shifts – or overlapping realities of some sort: “The last of the pterodactyls (flying reptiles with leathery wings and long, toothy beaks) died about 100 million years ago, according to established scientific opinion. But in the experience of a number of startled French workmen, the last one died in the winter of 1856 in a partially complete railway tunnel between the St. Dizier and Nancy lines. In the half-light of the tunnel, something monstrous stumbled toward them out of a great boulder of Jurassic limestone they had just split open. It fluttered its wings, croaked, and died at their feet. The creature, whose wingspan was 10 feet 7 inches, had four legs joined by a membrane, like a bat. What should have been feet were long talons, and the mouth was arrayed with sharp teeth. The skin was like black leather, thick and oily. At the nearby town of Gray, the creature was immediately identified by a local student of paleontology as a pterodactyl. The rock stratum in which it had been found was consistent with the period when pterodactyls lived, and the limestone boulder that had supposedly imprisoned the winged reptile for millions of years was found to contain a cavity in the form of an exact mold of the creature’s body.” (from Blue Moon News)

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